
Showing posts from August, 2011

Raising Arizona (1987) ****


My Name Is Nobody (1973) ***

Goofy, but has some good moments.

Body Double (1984) ****


The Big Lebowski (1998) *****

Stone cold cult classic. Probably the most quotable film that I can think of. I feel like every scene is so ingrained in my head that I can envision it before it plays, and I've probably seen other films that I love more times than this one. One of the few films that really does deserve every bit of praise it receives. "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps!"

Blow Out (1981) ****1/2

Watched recently. This time for research.  Liked this even more the seco nd time, hence the extra 1 / 2 *.

The Ward (2010) **

Cliche after cliche. I've seen worse, but this is certainly no "return to form" for Carpenter .

The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984) ***

I've only seen the first three Muppet films (the ones made while Jim Henson  was alive). The Muppets Take Manhattan  (1984) is definitely enjoyable, but nowhere near as good as The Muppet Movie  (1979) or The Great Muppet Caper   (1981).

High And Low (1963) ****


It Happened One Night (1934) ****

"You show me a good piggy-backer and I'll show you a real human. Now you take Abraham Lincoln for instance - a natural born piggy-backer."


(Click pic to enlarge) 

Sisters (1972) ***1/2


Papillon (1973) ****1/2


The Assassination Of Richard Nixon (2004) ***1/2

Sort of a more articulate, less gritty Taxi Driver . Good film.

The Holy Mountain (1973) ****

Lizards bedecked in royalty, elderly gentlemen bestowing glass-eyed gifts to underage prostitutes, electronic orgasms. Rainbow assassin Possibly the coolest 30ish seconds of film you'll ever see.

Stieg Larsson "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest" (2007) ***


Stieg Larsson "The Girl Who Played With Fire" (2006) ***


Stieg Larsson "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" (2005) ****

I finally finished all three  of Stieg Larsson 's " Millennium Series " novels. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo  (2005)  is, without question, the best of the three and the one least bogged down by details.

Clerks (1994) ***1/2

Pivotal film for me. It holds up fairly well and I do still enjoy watching it, but it doesn't hold nearly the same meaning for me as it used to.  I probably would have rated it ***** when I was 14 .

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998) ****

The Great Dictator (1940) *****


Rubber (2010) ***

Why did I like this film? "No reason."  "Life itself is filled with no reason."

The Funhouse (1981) **

Tobe Hooper has made one classic , one underrated film and a bunch of crap.  The Funhouse could have been a lot better if it didn't suffer from the meandering ploddingness which  Eaten Alive also suffers from. I didn't see Poltergeist growing up either, so when I watched it for the first time a couple of years ago, it didn't do much for me. I've never seen Lifeforce or Invaders From Mars (though I've heard decent things about both), but I don't know what to expect... My favorite part of this film was the score . The face I made while watching this film. (Actually it looked more like a yawn.)