The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Extended Edition (2009) ****

The Extended Edition fills in some nice bits from the book that were cut out from the theatrical version. I can't say that I feel that it's vastly superior to the shorter version (I enjoyed them both), but I'm glad to own the longer version.

After rewatching this, I DO think that I prefer it over the Finch version, but there are parts of both films (characters, dialogue, events) that I like and dislike or feel that were handled better in one version over the other. I think, if anything, it'll be fun to have both versions to rewatch, once the 2011 version gets released on Blu-ray.


  1. I came down pretty hard on the US version myself, but I do intend to pick it up on BD, particularly if the rumoured original 3-hour cut surfaces.

    As for the Swedish version, in my opinion the first film is the one that changes the least with the addition of the extended material. It's nice to have, but it doesn't really affect the film to any great extent. THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE, on the other hand, feels like a different movie.

  2. Very cool!
    Gonna watch the 2nd film today.


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