Red Riding: 1974 (2009) ****

Re-watched this after reading the novel. Lots of bits left out in the film (particularly a big one towards the end) and certain characters/plot points were combined. Nonetheless, this is an excellent adaptation. Though now I feel depressed.

Edward Dunford, North of England Crime Correspondent

 Paula Garland, beautiful and wounded; daughter and husband both dead

John Dawson, fucks who he wants to fuck.


  1. Haha, I see you've been watching it with subtitles on. Can't say I blame you - although geographically I'm closer to the north of England than you are, I still found it incredibly difficult to decipher the accents of some of the characters. :D

  2. Yes, pretty much essential for my American ass.
    What's interesting is how whoever subtitled the film decided to add all the "the's" that the characters drop before nouns.

    1. Yeah, the missing "the" is a very distinctive regional quirk. Normally when it's written down it tends to be represented as t'.


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