*SPOILERS* This was my first time re-reading Hannibal (1999) since its release and I had forgotten some details but remembered a good deal, as I've seen the 2001 film adaptation more than once. I like the film very much and have always found it underrated so I'm interested (and excited) to see how a revisit will fare, since I'd forgotten that numerous characters were left out of the celluloid adaptation. Some of them, like Jack Crawford and Ardelia Mapp, aren't essential to this story, like they were to The Silence Of The Lambs (1988). But then there's Margot Verger. How (and why) on earth did writers David Mamet and Steve Zaillian leave her out of the film?? She is so integral to the novel - her relationship with Barney, her plot against her brother, her walnut-cracking... Fortunately, her character made her way into the television series (2013-2015), still as a lesbian but not a bodybuilder. The TV series also included C...