Despite some flaws, I find THE STENDHAL SYNDROME to be one of Argento 's best films, and one which only seems to get better on subsequent viewings. As far as star ratings go, I'd even rate STENDHAL higher than FOUR FLIES , CAT O' NINE TAILS , TENEBRE , PHENOMENA , and OPERA , though I've watched most of those films more than this one. In some regards, STENDHAL feels more extreme than other Argento films. While just about all of his films feature graphic violence, unless my memory fails me, few of Argento 's other films have this level of sexual violence (including multiple rape scenes). These scenes are made particularly disturbing due to Argento having cast his daughter Asia as the lead on the receiving end of said violence. Speaking of, her performance is quite diverse, but unfortunately undermined a bit (as is the film in general) by being overdubbed. More highlights: the cinematography by Giuseppe Rotunno is stunning (this one doesn't reall...