Videodrome (1983) ****1/2

I've watched Videodrome (1983) many times in my life (it's one of my Top 100 Films , David Cronenberg is one of my Top 20 Directors , and this is my favorite film by him), even as recently as 3 years ago when Arrow Films put out their excellent limited edition Blu-ray of the film. But I've never quite noticed the political undertones to the extent that I did during this viewing (particularly allusions to The Manchurian Candidate (1962) ( review )). Maybe it's the times, maybe it's because despite some dated (but awesome) makeup f/x from Rick Baker and an outlandish plot, Videodrome , at its core, seems scarily closer to reality than ever. Or maybe it's just because these things are cyclical—the zeitgeist changes, level-headed people stay level-headed and power-hungry people never stop being power-hungry. You can find my David Cronenberg Feature Films Ranked list here .