Teen Witch (1989) ***

If you want a good laugh Teen Witch (1989) is your film. I never saw it when it was released (as a 9-year-old boy I wasn't exactly the target demographic), but I became aware of the notorious "Top That" scene and the film's cult status only a few years ago. I can honestly say that watching it now was a lot of fun. 

It's a pretty poor Teen Wolf (1985) imitation (which honestly I haven't seen since probably the early 90s so who knows how well that film has even held up), the acting isn't top notch, and it's goofy as all get out, but some of the songs (clearly aiming for a Madonna sound) are actually pretty enjoyable and there is an undeniable charm. 

In today's climate, it's fine to recognize the whitewashed rap appropriation, the message sent to girls about priorities, and other problematic areas in Teen Witch but I don't think it's worth getting offended by those aspects because it's a silly, cute and harmless movie. Robyn Lively is really charismatic, Zelda Rubinstein is amusing and sweet, and Joshua John Miller is truly bizarre comic relief. Not that this film needs comic relief—most of it is pretty hilarious, but in a way that warms your heart.
