Lust In The Dust (1984) ***

Paul Bartel's Lust In The Dust (1984) is a campy send-up of the western, populated with many wonderful character actors. John Waters—who directed co-stars Tab Hunter and Divine three years earlier  in Polyester (review)—was asked to direct but refused because he didn't write the script. Bartel did a good job as a director for hire and there is enough of his style to distinguish it from a Waters picture but it's tempting to think of how the movie would have turned out had "The Prince Of Puke" helmed it (particularly during his more subversive '70s period). Divine and Lainie Kazan play perfectly off of each other and there is a great deal of fun to be had (including a few choice one-liners), even if the film doesn't quite deliver in the way that it feels it should.
