Beyond Re-Animator (2003) **1/2

Brian Yuzna 's second Re-Animator sequel—after Re-Animator (1985) ( review ) (which he produced) and Bride Of Re-Animator (1990) (which he co-wrote and directed)—is the least best of the three official films, but it's also the zaniest. It's hard to believe that Beyond Re-Animator (2003) is already 20 years old. On this "Take 2" viewing, I liked the film a bit more, but it's still a bit too goofy for me. Despite upping the wackiness and a good deal of fun moments (plus better practical makeup f/x than I remembered courtesy of Screaming Mad George ), Yuzna is unable to capture the magic of the original cult classic or even the tone of the uneven first sequel. The prison setting is interesting but much of the film feels like a retread. A decent horror flick but nothing special. Brian Yuzna Films Ranked