Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) ***1/2
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) has so much potential. There are so many great moments, but so many bad, cheesy ones as well.
The first film (which I love) is kind of the same, though most of the weak moments are within the film's last 10 minutes. Hellbound has an excellent first half, and then a very mixed second half. I think a lot of horror fans hold this one up a little too high. I was hesitant to even give it the extra half star, but overall it deserves it.
I know a remake has been in the works for some time (supposedly with Clive Barker's involvement at one point), but it's been stagnant for just as long now. I truly think that if handled correctly and not CGI'd to hell (bad pun) that a remake/re-imagining/whatever could be really great for this series, particularly since most of the sequels are pretty bad (from what I hear—I only own and have seen the first three).

"They promise forever and never deliver."
"Nothing personal, babe."
"The doctor...is in."
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