I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would, given that I don't dig the hyperrealistic mo-cap stuff. I loved the Tintin comics as a child, but I was put off by the trailer for this film, so I avoided it in the theater. I'm glad that I've seen it now, but it's not worth a purchase in my mind. I'm actually fairly impressed by the CGI, especially because I expected to loathe it in this film. The action and pace is basically Indiana Jones -lite. And when I say "lite" I mean due to the toned down violence and lack of sexual content, not due to lack of action, which I actually think there is too much of. This film suffers the same problem that a lot of modern films do, in that they have too much action. I just don't get as excited by "action" in films the same way as I do by great dialogue or impressive set pieces or camerawork (that I can enjoy for more than a few seconds). I need my films to breathe a bit more. Inversely, wall-to-wall...