Ash Vs Evil Dead - S01E01 'El Jefe' (2015) ***1/2

I rarely write about or review television on my blog, but I felt that I should make an exception with Ash Vs Evil Dead (2015–2018). The first episode was directed by Sam Raimi and it certainly shows, though I wonder to what degree the future episodes/directors will emulate his style. The first episode, El Jefe , has everything you'd expect from the Evil Dead franchise: shotguns, chainsaws, hammy dialogue, blood splatters, deadites, and of course the one and only Bruce Campbell as Ash. Army Of Darkness (1992) ( review ) is treated as if it doesn't exist in this series, even though the Ash portrayed here is most like the AOD Ash. The action and tone is most akin to Evil Dead II (1987) ( review )— a strong balance of horror and comedy. I do feel that this first episode was a bit of a retread in some regards but not enough to detract from the overall experience. I like Ray Santiago as Pablo; he finds a good balance of nerdy and tr...