Ash Vs Evil Dead - S01E01 'El Jefe' (2015) ***1/2
I rarely write about or review television on my blog, but felt that I should make an exception with AvED . This first episode was directed by Sam Raimi and it certainly shows, though I wonder to what degree the future episodes/directors will emulate his style. The episode has everything you'd expect from the EVIL DEAD franchise: shotguns, chainsaws, hammy dialogue, blood splatters, deadites, and of course the one and only Bruce Campbell as Ash . ARMY OF DARKNESS is treated as if it doesn't exist in this series, even though the Ash portrayed here is most like the AOD Ash . The action and tone is most akin to EVIL DEAD II - a strong balance of horror and comedy. I do feel that this first episode was a bit of a retread in some regards but not enough to detract from the overall experience. I like Ray Santiago as Pablo ; he finds a good balance of nerdy and trying-to-be-cool. Less than stellar is Dana DeLorenzo 's Kelly , who is given a "sassy" (and hu