Movie Matters [Music] Vol. 7 - Guess the Giallo Grooves
With 2016 finally drawing to a close we would like to wish each and every one of our loyal listeners a very Happy New Year! Recorded earlier this year and saved for this celebratory occasion, we invite you to enjoy the return of Movie Matters [Music]: our spin-off series where soaring, bombastic, introspective and timeless film scores reverberate. To begin Volume 7, Lee Howard plays quizmaster and challenges co-hosts Michael Mackenzie and Dan Sardella to a “Guess the Giallo Grooves” game, how many can you answer correctly? The trio then curate a grab bag of tracks chosen by themselves as well as featuring a number of long overdue listener soundtrack requests (many thanks to Phil Walsh, Bryan McGrath, Wilson McLachlan and Tony Black).
![Movie Matters [Music] Vol. 7 - Guess the Giallo Grooves](
As is our custom, we’ve deliberately omitted the track listing from this post in an attempt to keep the soundtrack choices a surprise. On that note, beware of reading the “links for reference” below if you do not wish to see any potential spoilers. However, for those curious, please refer to our dedicated Movie Matters [Music] Discography list on LetterBoxd. This ongoing list will be updated with the full track and composer information should you wish to seek out and purchase the full scores.
We extend a special thank you to Focus on Film’s Dan Sardella, for composing and creating our all-new new dedicated Movie Matters [Music] Intro and Outro themes as well as editing this episode for us.
Remember, we’d love for you to get in touch – – and let us know your thoughts on this episode/the film music we featured. Moreover, why not request a track you’d like to hear on a future Movie Matters [Music] instalment? Please include details of the composer, the track name, the film/soundtrack the piece is from and most importantly why you like it.
So settle in with a beverage and a comfy pair of headphones, count down the demise of 2016 with some fine film music and commentary with your friends at Movie Matters. We raise a glass with you, to 2017 and the films and film scores to come. Happy New Year!
Links for reference:
- Dan’s appearance on the Moving the Needle podcast episode on
MAD MAX franchise
- Phil Walsh and Jim Hall’s Midnight Video podcast
- Tony Black’s film music podcasts: The Composers and Between the Notes
- Kat Ellinger and Samm Deighan’s Daughters of Darkness podcast
Disclaimer: All music used in this podcast is for preview/evaluation purposes and we urge you to purchase the tracks you liked or better still the full motion picture scores.
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