Baby Driver (2017) ****

I wasn't sure where my opinion was going to lie with Baby Driver (2017). I ended up loving it. It is by far the most "pop" Edgar Wright film so far, but it still has his stamp all over it. The soundtrack really is gosh darn good and the choreography of the scenes around the songs is impeccable and done in a way that no other filmmaker could accomplish. Musicians themselves crop up all over this film as well—most obviously Paul Williams , Flea , Sky Ferreira , but also Big Boi , Killer Mike and (somehow I missed it) Jon Spencer ( JSBX is the first track used in the film). I like that Wright isn't afraid to acknowledge his influences (obviously 1978's The Driver ( review ) and 2011's Drive ( review )), including a cameo from Walter Hill (which I apparently also missed), but also includes homages to The Omen (1976) and I'm sure other stuff that I need a second viewing to catch (as with Spaced...