Apocalypse Now - Final Cut (1979/2019) *****

40 years has passed since Francis Ford Coppola unleashed what many consider to be his masterpiece, Apocalypse Now (1979). Despite monumental obstacles in the form of severe weather, postponements resulting in the film taking years to make, budgetary and casting problems (including Marlon Brando arriving overweight and unprepared), improvisation on the part of Coppola in order to get a film that worked, Martin Sheen suffering a nervous breakdown and near-fatal heart attack, and Coppola himself almost being driven as mad as his character Kurtz (all of which is documented in the superb Hearts Of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991)), Coppola did create a masterpiece. Apocalypse Now is a film that rewards the viewer every time. There's always something new to appreciate or some aspect to be further enriched upon each viewing. Whether it's the incredible cinematography by Vittorio Storaro (the orchestration that must have gone into some shots is mind boggl...