Predators (2010) ***

I've flip-flopped over the years re: my star rating for Predators (2010). I'm settling back on 3 stars for various reasons. Adrien Brody is an unlikely action hero (though I think he works here), but the whole cast, populated by strong character actors, works really well for this type of film. I like the concept of the more powerful Predators warring with their own weaker kind. There is some really strong cinematography (and fortunately not much shaky cam), effective production design and impressive practical f/x from KNB though also some functional but noticeable CGI that detracts somewhat. Some of the callbacks and ties to the 1987 film (review) are fun but overall there's a bit too much reliance on them. However, I don't think Predators is simply a rehash—it has enough of its own identity to serve as an entertaining, testosterone-fueled popcorn flick.
