Cabin Fever (2002) ***1/2

Even though the juvenile humor is akin to Kevin Smith and even though the references to The Evil Dead (1981) (my review here), The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) (my review here) and David Lynch are a bit on the nose, I still really enjoy Eli Roth's Cabin Fever (2002).

A few of the jokes and some of the terms used wouldn't fly if the movie were made today, but there's lots of blood and laughs to be had at the expense of the mostly douchey characters and I still find myself quoting some of the dialogue from time to time.

Of the virus themed films I've watched so far during this stay-at-home month (with another one coming up), this one is the least serious, the most fun, the goriest and also the silliest. I love a good horror comedy and I think this one holds up (whereas I've never been a fan of the Hostel films or interested in anything else Roth has done).
