Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988) **

It being a Charles Band production (he who has produced so many schlocky films), you sort of know what you're in for when you watch Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988). With that title (which is classic), you'd certainly be expecting nudity, goofy FX, and cheese. It's all there, but the film never reaches cult status (at least not for this viewer).

Director David DeCoteau has made a bazillion films, but this is the only one I've seen. He made a number of adult movies and it shows—SBITSB has the same type of budget, production values and acting as one would expect from an X rated feature of yesteryear. Again, because of Band's involvement, there is (of course) a demonic puppet—the "Imp", voiced by horror personality Michael Soyne (aka Dukey Flyswatter). "Scream queen" Linnea Quigley is on board for sarcastic baddassery as well.

SBITSB starts out promising enough as a silly sex comedy, turns in some funny dialogue (George 'Buck' Flower is always reliable for that), and is amusing in spots, but I mostly found it unengaging, slow, and not a title that I'd likely revisit. It's one of those so-bad-it's-almost-good-but-actually-it's-just-kinda-bad films.
