The Godfather Coda: The Death Of Michael Corleone (1990) ***1/2

From what I can recall, Francis Ford Coppola 's new cut of The Godfather: Part III (1990)—titled The Godfather Coda: The Death Of Michael Corleone —isn't all that much of a departure from the 1991 "Final Director's Cut" (which added 9 minutes of deleted footage to the Theatrical Version and was the only version available on home video until Coda was released). All the key scenes and themes remain in Coda and it really didn't play too differently (at least from my memory). In any version, I have and continue to think that GIII is a really good film and has always been a bit unfairly maligned. Sure, Sofia Coppola 's acting isn't the best, but come on now—we've all seen much worse. It's also always amused me that Francis was accused of nepotism by casting her, when (a) he did what he had to when Winona Ryder had to drop out last minute and (b) he's always worked with various members of his talented family on his films (his sister Talia ...