DB Mix Series 11 - Rainbow Collection

For the fourth year in a row, on Bryan's birthday (and because it's the 16th day of the month, part of the D B Mix Series tradition), we've got two sweet new mixes for you! Read on to fill your ear and eyeholes with DB Mix Series 11 – Rainbow Collection ! For those unfamiliar with these music challenges—my cousin Bryan and I alternately choose a concept, we each choose the appropriate number of songs (from our MP3 collections), make a playlist, share with each other, then I mix the playlists, design the album art, and share with everyone! You can check out the previous DB Mixes here . The concept this time was chosen by Bryan—20 songs with c o l o r f u l titles. His criteria were: album tracks only (no live, compilation tracks or b-sides, etc.), no using the same color twice (though different "hues" were fine), and no using the same artist twice. As you can see from the tracks we both chose, we had to get creative with a few of them to reach 20 songs...