2019: After The Fall Of New York (1983) **1/2

Not the best Italian Escape From New York (1981) (review)/Mad Max 2 (1981) (review)/Barbarella (1968) (review) rip-off, but one of them. Predates ideas used in Hell Comes To Frogtown (1988) (review) and Children Of Men (2006) (review) (and features Picasso's Guernica, also used in the latter), but with a quarter of the budget and even more wackiness. It's kind a slow film, the sets are really cheap (charmingly so) and the action just isn't exciting enough. The Oliver Onions (kings Guido and Maurizio De Angelis) score is groovy synthpop though.

Recommended for fans of 1990: Bronx Warriors (1982), Raiders Of Atlantis (1983), and Doomsday (2008) (review).
