A Bullet For The General (1966) ***

A Bullet For The General (aka El Chuncho Quién Sabe? ) (1966) is a serviceable " Zapata " Italian Western but not as good, in my opinion, as The Big Gundown (1966), Compañeros (1970) or The Mercenary (1968) (my review here ). Gian Maria Volontè is very good and Martine Beswick is pretty good too, but Klaus Kinski isn't given much to do and I didn't find Lou Castel particularly compelling either. The film drags quite a bit, the story is pretty standard stuff for this sub-genre, the tone is pretty fluffy, the violence is bloodless, and the score by Luis Bacalov doesn't distinguish itself from the many other films in this genre. Not a bad film, but neither is it an accomplished work.