Song To Song (2017) **1/2

As I feared—as was the case with Knight Of Cups (2015) (my review here)—Song To Song (2017) is more of what the former film consisted of: rich people wandering aimlessly in mostly extravagant settings in mostly expensive clothing with seemingly little of the hardships that the average person faces. 

Even as a musician and music lover, that aspect of the film did nothing for me. I liked STS slightly more than KOC, as I actually felt some emotions from Rooney Mara and Ryan Gosling's performances, but this era of Terrence Malick is just not my thing. Fortunately, I did like A Hidden Life (2019) (my review here) quite a bit more, so I haven't given up on Malick altogether.

You can find my Terrence Malick Feature Films Ranked list here.
