All right, I'm gonna do this review the Scanner way; I'm gonna suck your brain dry… The last time I watched Scanners (1981), in 2014 when the Criterion Collection Blu-ray was released, I felt slightly underwhelmed. I had seen the film a couple of times prior to that and seemed to remember enjoying it more than I did on that viewing. I will note, I do rank a number of David Cronenberg films above it, but it still sits in the Top 10 of my rankings of his work, and I got a bit more mileage out of this viewing (with an audience, so that was fun). There is a definite charm, iconography, and staying power about Scanners , despite some wooden, soap operatic acting from its lead Stephen Lack ("lacking," for sure), poor pacing, and no true surprises. Additionally, gorehound that I may be, I actually find the phone booth scene the most thrilling, ingenious, and ahead-of-its-time aspect of the whole film (though that isn't to say I don't love the in...