Out Of Sight (1998) ****1/2

I love Steven Soderbergh 's Out Of Sight (1998). I've always loved this film. It's my favorite Elmore Leonard adaptation. Along with Jackie Brown the year before it, OOS was responsible for my fascination with Leonard novels. I believe I saw 1995's Get Shorty prior to either of those films but it wasn't until JB and OOS that I really started paying attentions and then buying many of Leonard's books. (And wow—all three of those great Leonard adaptations arrived within a three-year span!) GS is a fun one, and JB is a masterpiece in its own right because it manages to be both one of the best Leonard adaptations and still feel like a Quentin Tarantino film (it's my second favorite by him). But OOS is the most authentic Leonard adaptation, as if it's ripped straight from the pages of his 1996 novel (and really just perfectly captures that "Elmore Leonard feel"). OOS is effortlessly cool, charming, sexy, and stylish. Some of the...