Cat People (1982) ***1/2

Paul Schrader's Cat People (1982) is a scintillating, glorious, mythical mess, a hybrid horror arthouse avalanche. Horror tropes are plentiful (particularly some brief but tasty gore and fun makeup f/x), there's strong, animalistic performances from Nastassja Kinski and Malcolm McDowell, a wonderfully atmospheric synth score from Giorgio Moroder, and some nice throwbacks to the 1942 Val Lewton/Jacques Tourneur original (review).

CP is a difficult film to recommend to anyone who can't handle copious nudity or avant-garde storytelling without giggling or bursting into nervous laughter. For the adventurous viewer, it's a rewarding, if frustrating watch—a film with a lot of potential that loses steam here and there, but is very rewatchable (though the animal treatment makes me sad).
