Eve's Bayou - Director's Cut (1997) ****

Kasi Lemmons' 1997 directorial debut, Eve's Bayou, is an effective southern gothic drama with a dark undercurrent, superb cinematography, wonderful costumes, and a suitably evocative and mysterious score. The performances by the mostly female cast are fantastic across the board (Samuel L. Jackson—who also co-produced—is, of course, really good too). There are touches of SpielbergDemme, and Tennessee Williams but there is no denying that EB is a singular film which I liked even more on a rewatch. The Criterion Collection’s Blu-ray looks fantastic but I wish they had (and I'm not sure why they didn't) released EB on 4K UHD (which it deserves).

Recommended for fans of To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) (review), Crooklyn (1994), and Stoker (2013).
