Streets Of Fire (1984) **** [Shout! 1984 Double Feature Pt. 1]

Streets Of FireWalter Hill’s 1984 "Rock & Roll Fable," is a smorgasbord of styles. It's got greasers, doo-wop, new wave, ‘80s neon excess, zoot suits, western tropes, and more. It's big on aesthetic and a bit undercooked in the character department. Those characters are all a bit ‘tudey, Michael Paré is an awkward, unlikely hero, and the romance doesn’t quite gel (but damn does Diane Lane look good), yet somehow the film as a whole works. The off the charts production design and costumes and Ry Cooder’s badass score (along with a few key bangers on the soundtrack) have a lot to do with that. SOF was a box office bomb, which is a shame because it's an underrated gem. 
