High Crime (1973) ***1/2

Enzo G. Castellari's Italian take on William Friedkin's classic 1971 film The French Connection, the 1973 poliziottesco High Crime (aka La polizia incrimina la legge assolve) opens with an exciting foot/car chase and ends with a stylishly shot shootout, all set to a fantastic and funky score by those magical music brothers, Guido and Maurizio De Angelis. In between these thrilling bookends, we bear witness to Franco Nero's magnificent overacting and constant outbursts of violence (seriously, he spends most of the movie in various states of exasperation). Despite the grim and eventually tragic subject matter, HC is a pretty amusing film, thanks to sprinkles of humor throughout. The strong cinematography—including frequent slow-motion deaths—and effective editing provide high entertainment value for this crime picture that holds on repeat viewings.

Recommended for fans of Dirty Harry (1971), and Street Law (1974) (review), and The Big Racket (1976).
