Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) ***

As live action Star Wars standalone ("Story") films go, Solo (2018) is not as good as Rogue One (2016) but it's definitely more fun, more traditional, and it sits well within this universe.

The so-so: despite "gun-for-hire" director Ron Howard purportedly reshooting 80% of the film, it doesn't feel hacked together, per se, but it still feels rushed at times. The action scenes unfold in very familiar ways. While some of the CG looks excellent, other scenes felt too cartoony for me. I also thought the deaths of a couple of characters lacked proper emotional weight. Additionally, there isn't a strong villainous presence in Solo—maybe that was intentional to focus on our main character, but it still feels off for a SW film. My final and possibly biggest nitpick: the introduction of the Millennium Falcon felt incredibly average.

The good: Alden Ehrenreich was inspired casting, perfectly embodying the charm and cocksureness of Han Solo (and Harrison Ford's mannerisms), while maintaining a good level of vulnerability before Han would become emotionally hardened and smarmy in years to come—plus the resemblance is there! Donald Glover was also a pitch perfect choice for Lando Calrissian, again perfectly embodying the charm and cocksureness of his character (and in this case, Billy Dee Williams's mannerisms). I like the way that Han's surname was bestowed on him, in much the way that immigrants to the U.S. were given theirs. Another highlight—the spark of the bond that grows between Han and Chewie was handled very well.

Solo is intentionally left open-ended and some of the main actors have confirmed they are signed on for additional films, so it will be interesting to see how future films with these characters are handled and who directs!
