Hannibal (2001) ***1/2

The last time I watched Hannibal (2001), four years ago ( review ), I was fresh off of re-reading Thomas Harris ' 1999 novel ( review ). I wrote that I hadn't seen the film in over 10 years and that I didn't find it as good as I had remembered. On this viewing, detached from a recent reading of the novel and enjoying the film on its own merits, I enjoyed it more, but I still can't bring myself to award it a higher star rating. I do think that the film is great, it's just that certain elements and omissions leave it shy of true greatness, like its predecessor The Silence Of The Lambs (1991) ( review ). Gary Oldman is, as always, a scene stealer, but Mason Verger's demise is much more interesting in the novel. Margot Verger being left out was a poor choice. The climax of the film is but a shadow of the novel. In general, everything just feels truncated. Julianne Moore isn't as good as Jodi Foster but she ...