Total Recall (1990) ****

For his RoboCop (1987) (review) follow-up, Paul Verhoeven delivered more sci-fi excess, gratuitous violence, and satire (as he would again seven years later with Starship Troopers (review)) in the form of a (loose) Philip K. Dick adaptation (of his 1966 short story We Can Remember It For You Wholesale).

Much like RoboCopTotal Recall (1990) is a thrill ride that still manages to have a brain—though perhaps a bit less so than the former film. You could aim that criticism at star Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I'd argue that screenwriters Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett (of Alien (1979) (review) fame) are equally responsible. They wrote all those wonderful one-liners, Arnie delivers them in his signature style, and I for one love each and every one.

In addition to the dialogue, there is much to admire about TR: the excellent cast (even the small roles are memorable), the intense action, Jerry Goldsmith’s masterful and complex score, Rob Bottin’s brilliant makeup effects, the scope of the production design, and more. They simply don't make films like this anymore. I'm sure the 2012 remake attempted to replicate what makes it special, but much like the 2014 RoboCop remake (which I also haven't seen), I have little desire to find out.

"Get ya ass ta Maz."


"What about the guy you lobotomized? Did he get a refund?"

"I'm sorry. Would you please rephrase the question?"

"You wouldn't shoot me, would you, Doug? After all we've been through...?"


"Twooo weeeeks."

 "Who gives a shit what you believe? In thirty seconds you'll be dead, and I'll blow this place up and be home in time for Corn Flakes."

 "See you at the party, Richter!"

"What you been feeding this thing?"

"Hey, man, I got five kids to feed!"

"Open your miiiiind..."
