Fascination (1979) ***1/2 [Rollin Double Feature Pt. 2]

While I found Fascination (1979) to be one of his weaker efforts story-wise, of the seven Jean Rollin feature films that I've seen, there is no denying that it offers up some the director's most indelible imagery (most famously Brigitte Lahaie brandishing a scythe). Rollin's films are always more about mood than narrative anyway, and indeed, the cinematography, costumes, and score in Fascination create a sumptuous, elegant, and erotic atmosphere. This is the filmmaker at his most Buñuelian. My (long overdue) journey through Rollin's filmography has been a pleasure and my appreciation of his artistry continues to grow as I collect 4K UHDs of his work—I can't wait to see which two films Powerhouse Films will release next!
