Trainspotting (1996) ****

I've gone back and forth over the years regarding how much I like Danny Boyle's (a director whom I'm pretty hot and cold on) Trainspotting (1996). I've seen the movie numerous times and I've always really liked it, but a little bit less than everyone else, it seemed. I can't relate to the characters or their habits, but I can't deny that the dialogue, the performances, and the filmmaking are all great. And the soundtrack is unequivocally brilliant. 

Perhaps The Criterion Collection's 4K UHD—where the picture looks the best it has on home video and the highly stylized, visceral, and innovative visuals really shine—helped push my opinion in the film's favor (and my rating to go up from my previous viewing on Blu-ray nearly 13 years ago). The humor seemed to connect more with me this go-around. Sometimes (and I'm certainly cognizant of this), my mood affects my opinion of a film, too. Additionally, some films hit me differently at different stages of my life and that appears to be the case here.
