Mad Max (1979) ****1/2

Mad Max (1979) is a bonafide classic. It has one of the best cold opens and one of the best endings of any film ever. Aussie George Miller 's feature debut went on to spawn three sequels (with more supposedly planned) and he has maintained control of the franchise , which I commend him for (even if I'm not so into the third film, 1985's Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome , and think the fourth one is vastly overrated). Long before the digital sheen of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) (which everyone but me seems to love; my initial review here and my "Take 2" review, where I liked it even less, here ), Miller created the template for low budget post-apocalyptic films which so many other films would attempt to replicate or blatantly rip-off in the 1980s. Max 's world, while certainly dystopian, is presented as but a few years in the future, where the societal collapse still seems new. A ruthless motorcycle gang faces off against a leather-clad police force in spectacula...