Mulholland Drive (2001) *****

I’ve never tried too hard (or cared too much) to figure out David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive (2001). I just love it. The imagery, the mystery, the music (undoubtedly some of Angelo Badalamenti's most gorgeous themes), the sound, and the mood all work to perfection. 

I’ve always found it best to approach Lynch’s work via this quote from the man himself: “If you appreciate slipping into another world, like a dream, and if you can withhold many intellectual judgements, and just float in the world and let it talk to you, you could have a very interesting experience.”

As with much of Lynch’s work, MD has the power to fill me with joy, dread, make me laugh, and move me to tears every time. Twenty years on it remains a melancholic and magical masterpiece with a wonderfully diverse central performance by Naomi Watts.
