The Rage (2007) **

I am fan of a great many films that Robert Kurtzman and KNB EFX Group have supplied makeup and effects for but I wasn't aware that Kurtzman has directed a few films (most notably 1997's Wishmaster). The Rage (2007) is not a good film by any stretch of the imagination but it's pretty hilarious. I'm not typically into overly mean-spirited horror films but when they are this over the top and absurdly funny, I don't mind them. 

In its better moments, The Rage reminded me of some of Brian Yuzna's efforts but it definitely lacks finesse and reeks of "affects-guy-in-the-director's-chair." It also reminded me of Eli Roth, Adam Green, and Rob Zombie (none of whom I have a particular affinity for), but all of them have made at least one movie that is light years better than this one. There's more than a few obvious The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) (review) references. The look of the film is ugly and cheap. The CGI is abhorrently bad, and there is unreasonable use of double exposure and shaky cam. 

On the plus side, the relentless gore is very well done (let's face it, this film is just a showcase for that) and there are a few amusing stop-motion shots. This was actually the first feature I've seen starring Erin Brown (aka Misty Mundae) (and she wasn't even nude!); the only thing I'd seen her in previously was Lucky McKee's Masters Of Horror (2005–2007) episode, Sick Girl (2006). Also, bonus points for Reggie Bannister!

I realize I’m ragging on The Rage a lot, but it's honestly a lot of fun with an audience.

Recommended for fans of 28 Days Later (2002) (review), Cabin Fever (2002) (review), or anyone in the mood for shot-on-video low budget horror.
