Flesh-Eating Mothers (1988) ***

Flesh-Eating Mothers (1988) is a DTV cheapie that reminded me a lot of Bloodsuckers From Outer Space (1984) (review). The latter film is better than the former but FEM is still a lot of fun and some of the special effects aren't half bad. I particularly liked how the cannibalistic moms all had very Conrad Veidt from 1928's The Man Who Laughs-style makeup, beating Jack Nicholson's Joker in Tim Burton's Batman (review) to that punch by a year. The satire in FEM isn't explored in any kind of satisfactory way but it's a very funny cult flick regardless. The score is hilariously jaunty and cheesy, and there are a couple of animated sequences that caught me off guard (and nearly caused me to die laughing). All the actors have that regional non-actor exasperated 'tudey delivery that is usually pretty amusing and there are some definite nuggets in the dialogue department. There was definitely a missed opportunity to have a character say the name of the movie at some point though.
