Wayne's World (1992) ****

One of my favorite moments in Wayne's World (1992) is when Garth, donning a strange gadget-helmet, says, "We fear change" and proceeds to bludgeon a robotic hand with a hammer. It's never explained why this scene exists. There are a number of sui generis moments such as this in the film and it's one of the many reasons that I love it. And honestly, that's how I feel about people that don't love Wayne's World—I fear them. 

I saw the film in its original theatrical run (more than once, I believe) at the age of twelve and it became an instant favorite. It was a huge box office hit and a cultural phenomenon. It made Queen popular again. I had the CD soundtrack. I loved (and continue to love) this motion picture.

While I do think the duo's dynamic is what makes the movie work (especially considering it successfully made the jump from an SNL sketch to a feature), it's the weird Garth moments like the one mentioned above that truly crack me up. Wayne's World is a solid gold, eminently quotable comedy about doing what you love and following your dreams, featuring a beautiful friendship, that has stood the test of time. More than 30 years on, it remains a classic. Party on!
