Drunken Master II (1994) ****

Drunken Master II (aka The Legend Of Drunken Master) (1994) was Jackie Chan's first traditional style martial arts film since 1983's Fearless Hyena 2 and his last film before mainstream success in America with 1995's Rumble In The Bronx, which I saw when it hit US theaters in 1996, whereupon the film (and Chan) became a worldwide phenomenon.

DMII is a wild ride. Chock-full of incredible, acrobatic fights, jaw-dropping stunts and choreography, and plenty of goofy humor—it's immensely entertaining and smile-inducing. Quite literally a live-action cartoon, it's got over the top villains, gravity-defying action, and, my favorite, alcohol as Chan's character's equivalent of spinach to Popeye.
