Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) **1/2

With acting on the level of a teenage sitcom, the cinematography and lighting of an after school special, and Spirit Halloween-quality makeup and props, Michael A. Simpson's Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) is not good and is, honestly, pretty awful, but it's awfully good fun. I liked the film more on a second viewing (the first time I watched it was nearly a decade ago, geez) and awarded it a whole extra star. It was more enjoyable with an audience; there's something charming about its goofiness and blend of "gee willikers" morals with piss-poor gore (even if the references to other horror franchises are ham-fisted). Pamela Springsteen (younger sister of The Boss) is pitch perfect as the grown-up Angela (played by Felissa Rose in the 1983 original). Renée Estevez (younger sister of Emilio and Charlie Sheen) also stars, but, like the rest of the cast, doesn't impress much. A few of the kills are creative, even if their execution is lacking, but there's plenty of laughs and mullets and boobs. Followed by 1989's Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (such a good title)—featuring the same writer/director/star team—which I awarded an even lower score but may have to revisit someday for a chuckle.
