DB Mix Series 20 - Food For Aud

It's the 16th day of the month! It's Bryan's (50th!) birthday! It's a new DB Mix Series! These are all exciting things. But I must temper the excitement with some bittersweet news. After six years (wow!) of doing these mixes, we have decided to put a cap on this particular project. So this will be the final DB Mix. And what better way to go out than with a meal! Read on and enjoy DB Mix Series 20 - Food For Aud. And don't forget to go back and catch up on previous mixes here.

For those unfamiliar with these music challenges—my cousin Bryan and I alternately choose a concept, we each choose the allotted number of songs (from our MP3 collections), make a playlist, share with each other, then I mix the playlists, design the album art, and share with everyone!

The concept this time was chosen by me—food! The rules were set as follows: 

- 20 songs
- No brand names
- Can use the word "food" once, if desired
- Songs can be from any source (EPs, singles, soundtracks, compilations, etc.)
- Can only use each "food" once
-- Can use a food that contains other types of food (i.e., can use "bean" and "soup" and "chili")

For my mix, I coincidentally even had a couple of artists with food-related names. Also—and I didn't initially set out to do this, but once I had enough of them—I ended up arranging my tracks so that every other one is a female (or female-fronted) artist. Bryan chose to go with the classic artist alphabetical order for his tracks. One of the more enjoyable aspects of this ongoing project for me is being exposed to new music—a whopping 12 of the tracks that Bryan chose this time are ones I hadn't previously heard. Hopefully there are some new-to-you tracks in both of our mixes as well.

Please download (below), enjoy, and share! And thank you to those of you who followed along with us on this musical journey these past six+ years.

MP3s and cover art for DB Mix Series 20 - Food For Aud are available to download here.
