Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) ***1/2 [Hellathon Pt. 2]

I've always liked how Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) picks up right where the first film (review) left off but I've always enjoyed the first hour more than the remainder of the film. The buildup, in this case, is much more interesting than the payoff. Once the characters actually go to Hell, Hellbound begins to gradually lose steam. I do appreciate the special effects artistry that went into Hellraiser II, it's nice to get more Cenobite action, and the brief Frank sequence is great. But the presentation and the performances veer a bit too much into horror tropes and cliches at times in the last 20 minutes. Kenneth Cranham as Doctor Channard is a much more menacing presence before he becomes a Cenobite, where he proceeds to do nothing but spout one-liners. And, as much as I like matte paintings and, occasionally, artificiality in movies, some of the sets/design are a bit cheesy and the editing a bit sloppy in the Hell segments. Still, Christopher Young is on board to deliver another gorgeous score, and, overall the film is good, grotesque, gothic entertainment—a dark, labyrinthine fairy tale.
